Get A Professional Electrician To Check Your Emergency Lighting

Your business premises might have all the lighting and electrical outputs you need for your employees to carry out their work, and for your customers to complete their transactions. But are you looking after them just as well with your emergency lighting? This critical safety feature is your responsibility but as a North Shore electrician specialising in emergency lighting, we can help you manage that big responsibility. There is a lot of technical detail to take care of, and just as much as stake when it comes to protecting everyone using your premises, so it’s vitally important that you work with experts in the field.

There are three key factors that must be addressed when it comes to emergency lighting at your business premises:

  • Your lighting design must comply with the New Zealand Building Code as well as the appropriate series of standards. These standards must be adhered to as they protect people from injury in escape routes if the main lighting source has failed.
  • Emergency luminaires and escape signs must be best-in-class and produce effective light for at least two hours. As you’d expect, they must all comply with the applicable New Zealand standards.
  • You must choose the most effective control and testing system for your business. A good testing system will minimise maintenance costs and make ongoing testing highly cost-effective.

Of course, there are a whole lot of technical specifications to follow as part of those three requirements, and that’s where our expertise comes in handy. New Zealand standards around emergency lighting are, thankfully, some of the most stringent in the world. There’s no margin for error and no excuses for not adhering to your emergency lighting obligations. You need an electrical company with our experience and skills to help you stay on top of those standards, and stay out of trouble with the law! Besides, you have customers and employees to think about too, so making sure your emergency lighting is up to the mark is a personal responsibility as well.

You never know when an emergency will occur at your workplace, so ensure your employees and everyone else within the property will be safe at all times. Ask our licenced electricians at Cramond Electrical to install, revamp or maintain the emergency lighting at your business property.  Call us today for professional service from our qualified team, and let us become your long-term partner in electrical safety.